Welcome To Hogsmeade is the sixth main quest in Hogwarts Legacy, and it is focused on introducing four of the shops you can access to buy various items and two of the game’s antagonists. The quest also features a combat sequence where you can test your casting skills and some spells you have already unlocked. Furthermore, you’ll meet various characters and get to know them better.
Welcome To Hogsmeade is the last main quest in the first Chapter of the video game developed by Avalanche Software, which means that after you complete your visit to Hogsmeade, Your First Day at Hogwarts Chapter ends. It becomes available after you finish Professor Ronen’s Assignment and learn the Reparo Spell.
For dealing with the village’s attacker or finishing the Welcome To Hogsmeade main quest, you’ll get 260 XP and learn how to use the Ancient Magic Throw and Ancient Magic.
Where To Find Sebastian Near the Entrance to Hogwarts
Since Welcome To Hogsmeade becomes available after you finish Professor Ronen’s Assignment, it means that you’ll be in the Transfiguration Courtyard when you start this quest. Your first objective is to meet the companion you picked when playing Weasley After Class, so if you followed our walkthrough, you’d have to find Sebastian. If you picked someone else, that’s the character waiting for you near the entrance to Hogwarts.
Now, from your current location, while tracking the quest in your Field Guide, pres Up on your DPad to summon the golden whisps that will show you the way. Head northeast to enter the Central Hall, and when you reach the other side, turn left through the hallway, moving northwest. Cross the next hallway, then turn left to enter the Bell Tower. Your companion (Sebastian, in our case) will be waiting for you by the castle’s gate.

After talking to your companion, you’ll exit the castle, and the next part of the quest is to follow your friend who knows the way to Hogsmeade. Since this is the first time you’ll exit Hogwarts, take your time to admire the environment, and if you get lost, press Up on your DPad to find your way back to your guide.
The trip to Hogsmeade is a bit long, but you can learn more about the places you’ll come across. After reaching Hogsmeade, your companion will leave, and you’ll get four new objectives:
- Visit Tomes and Scrolls
- Visit Ollivanders
- Visit J. Pippin’s Potions
- Visit the Magic Neep
These objectives are mandatory for progressing the story because, from these shops, you’ll have to get specific items. Or the supplies you have lost. Let’s see where you can find them.
Where To Find Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade
Hogwarts Legacy Tomes and Scrolls Shop is found in the southern Hogsmeade area. If you open your map, you’ll see the Shop’s icon depicting a scroll.

From your current location, head southwest down the alley, and on the right side, you’ll see a store with a blue entrance. Get inside, and you’ll meet Thomas Brown, who will tell you why his Shop is essential. After discussing with him, you’ll get access to his inventory. In the supplies section, you’ll find the following items:
- Potting Table With A Small Pot Spellcraft
- Small Potions Station Spellcraft
Both items cost 0 Cold Coins, and you must buy both by pressing and holding X/A. Make sure you get them now. Great job! Now, let’s get you a wand.
Where To Find Ollivanders
Ollivanders Shop is also found in the southern area of Hogsmeade, several steps northwest of Tomes And Scrolls. Open your map and look for an icon depicting a wand.

As you move up the alley, you’ll notice that Ollivander’s Shop is on the left side and has a brown entrance. Approach the counter, and try using the bell to trigger a cutscene introducing Gerbold Ollivander. The shopkeeper will quickly find a wand for you, but you’ll have several choices.
Wand Customization Choices
The Wand Customization feature comes with several options. Therefore, you’ll be able to choose the following:
- Wand Style
- Wood Type
- Length
- Flexibility
- Wand Core
When customizing your wand, it’s worth knowing that none of these options will affect the gameplay or your skills as a wizard. These are cosmetics, so feel free to play with them as you like. After customizing your wand, press and hold the Square/X button to buy your wand.

It is worth knowing that after you get your wand, you can further customize it in the Gear menu. Specifically, you can change its handle alongside other Gear Customizations.
J. Pippin’s Potions Shop Location
Now that you have a new wand, it’s time to go to the Potions Shop. J. Pippin’s Potions Shop is located on Hogsmeade’s western side. The Shop’s location is depicted by an icon showing a potion vial.

Mark the Shop on your map, then press Up on your DPad to summon the golden whisps that will guide you to it. The Shop features a purple entrance, and inside, you’ll find Parry Pippin. Talk to him, and he’ll unlock his inventory. From this Shop, buy the following supplies:
- Edurus Potion Recipe
- Wiggenweld Potion Recipe
Both recipes cost 0 coins and are mandatory for progressing the Welcome To Hogsmeade quest.
Magic Neep Location
The last Shop you’ll need to visit is Magic Neep, and as you can see on the map below, it is found on the western side of Hogsmeade. The Shop’s location on your map is marked by an icon showing a plant.

Upon reaching the Shop’s location, you’ll be introduced to a new vendor named Timothy Teasdale. He sells herbs, and from him, you’ll need to get the Dittany Seeds to progress the current quest. Now that you have recovered all your supplies, the next objective is to meet Sebastian (or another companion, depending on your previous choice) at the Town Circle.
The NPC’s location will be marked on your map. Just check the northeastern side of Hogsmeade and press Up on your DPad so the golden whisps can guide you to it. You’ll find your companion in front of Gladrags Wizardwear Shop. Make sure you talk to him/her, and you’ll be suddenly interrupted by a Troll.
How To Defend Hogsmeade
The next objective is to defend Hogsmeade using everything you have learned. To defeat the Troll, you’ll need to:
- Dodge his attacks by pressing O/B when the prompt appears on your screen.
- Mark your target by pressing the Right Thumbstick.
- Use Basic Cast by tapping R2/RT while staying mobile.
- Block incoming attacks using Protego (press Triangle/Y) when the prompt appears on the screen.
- When Ancient Magic Throw becomes available (after you deplete 1/3 of the Troll’s health bar), press and hold R1/RB to grab nearby objects, then release the button to throw them.
- At the end of the fight, make sure you invoke Ancient Magic by pressing R1/RB+L1/LB at the same time.

The Armoured Troll is a very accessible opponent despite his size. However, he creates quite a mess in Hogsmeade.
How To Repair the Damage in Hogsmeade
After you defeat the Troll, it’s time to restore the plaza where the fight took place, and for this objective, you’ll need to repair seven damaged objects. This is when Professor Ronen Reparo Spell comes into play, so start by looking around to see the highlighted objects similar to the one pictured below.

To repair the damage, you must cast Reparo by holding down R2/RT and pressing X/A. Here are the seven objects you must repair:
- The stand in front of the bookstore (pictured above).
- The pile of boxes on the left side of the bookstore.
- The flowers stand in front of the terrace with white chairs and tables.
- The stand in front of Honeydukes.
- The statue in front of the large tree.
- The stand on the left side of the tree.
- The house on the left side of the Scrivenshaft Store.
After fixing the broken objects, enter Gladrags Wizardwear (purple Shop) nearby and meet Augustus Hill. The shopkeeper will be thankful for saving his business and will offer you a Traditional School Robe free of charge. Make sure you buy it, then equip it to increase your character’s offense by 5.
Now it’s time to celebrate your victory with a cold Butterbeer, so follow your companion to the Three Broomsticks. As you head down the alley, you’ll trigger a rather long cutscene introducing Victor Rookwood and his right hand, Theophilus Harlow. As we have outlined, Victor Rookwood is the ancestor of Augustus Rookwood, whom you may remember from the Harry Potter era.
Augustus Rookwood was one of Lord Voldemort’s Death Eaters, and it seems that Victor is also an antagonist since he works with Ranrok. Luckily, you’ll escape Victor Rookwood and Theophilus Harlow with the help of Sirona Ryan, the Three Broomsticks bartender. But your celebration is ruined, so it’s time to return to school.
To complete Welcome To Hogsmeade, exit Three Broomsticks, then after you talk to your companion, open your map and fast travel to your Common Room. After finishing Welcome To Hogsmeade, you’ll unlock multiple side quests, all being covered as part of our Hogwarts Legacy Wiki, and if you want to focus on the story, then the next quest, named The Locket’s Secret, also becomes available.
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