Hogwarts Legacy Coastal Cavern Tomb Of Treachery Collection Chest is a collectible found while exploring the only dungeon in the smallest area of the video game. You’ll need to get the collectible if you want a random decoration item and, more importantly, achieve 100% completion in the Coastal Cavern region.
Tomb Of Treachery is a relatively small cairn dungeon, but if you ignore your surroundings, you can definitely miss the Collection Chest.
Where To Find the Tomb Of Treachery Dungeon Chest in Hogwarts Legacy
The Tomb Of Treachery Cairn dungeon is found at the border between Coastal Cavern and Poidsear Coast, at the location marked below. Nearby, there is a Floo Flame you can use to fast-travel in front of the dungeon’s entrance.
The problem is you might not have the fast travel point unlocked yet. If this is the case, open your map and track it to reach it faster. The Tomb Of Treachery Floo Flame is behind a waterfall at the said location. Make sure you don’t mistake it for the North Poidsear Coast Floo Flame, which is positioned a lot higher.
Now, enter the dungeon, and let’s see where to find the Collection Chest. Once inside the dungeon, head forward and down the stairs to reach a larger area. Now, continue north and go to the left when the path allows it.
You should see the Collection Chest next to a small fire, as in the following image. You know the drill by now: go near the Chest and interact with it by pressing the Square/X button on your PlayStation/Xbox controller to open it.
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