Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Revenge is a side quest in which you must steal a Venomous Tentacula for Ackley Barnes. Ackley was cut out of a Herbology supply business by his partner, Lawley, and now wants revenge. However, retrieving the plant can be tricky because you must sneak undetected around Lawley’s cellar.
To start this side quest, you must first complete the Helm Of Urtkot main quest and find the sacred goblin relic for Lodgok. Once you finish the main quest, you must find Ackley Barnes, the quest giver for Venomous Revenge. The NPC is located in Hogsmeade, behind the Three Broomsticks Inn, the big building in the middle of the village.
Now, make your way to Ackley and talk to him to start the side quest.
Where To Find Alfred Lawley’s Cellar
Upon listening to Ackley, you must find Lawley’s Cellar, which is fairly close in Hogsmeade. Look for it west of the quest giver’s location. The video game automatically tracks the cellar, so you can easily find it using your minimap.
Get close to the cellar’s entrance and press the Square/X button on your PlayStation/Xbox controller. You should now be inside the basement with Lawley right in front of you.
Lawley’s Venomous Tentacula Location
To continue, you must make sure Lawley doesn’t see you. Hence, you should use the Disillusionment spell, which you’ve unlocked in the Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest. But proceed with caution because you can still get detected.
You have to make your way to the west part of the cellar and enter the next room through a hole in the wall. Then proceed on the linear path, and you’ll reach a bigger room with a couple of Thornback Scurriours (giant spiders). If you want to fight the mobs, go ahead because you don’t have to remain invisible in this room.
Now go up the stairs south of the big room, and you’ll find the Venomous Tentacula on the left side. It’s the huge, weird-looking plant under the light.
All that is left to do now to complete the Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Revenge quest is to get out of the cellar and talk to Ackley, but remember that Lawley doesn’t have to see you.
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